Sunday, September 16, 2012
Ferris Wheel fun
Everytime we go to my parents house (numerous times a week) Jacob sees the new waterfront Ferris Wheel out the car window and asks to ride it. So one sunny weekend day we did just that. The line was short and the sun was out, what more could you ask for? Jacob was so excited to see the bouys in the water under us "just like in my bouy book". He wasn't excited by the boats in the water or the planes in the sky just the bouys. After the ferris wheel Jacob and Marc rode on the carousel. It went really fast so it was hard for me to get a picture of him :)
5 months old
Jocelyn is learning to sit up, eating food, and watching EVERYTHING her big brother does. She is still very happy and laughs alot. She loves to be outside and watch the trees and feel the wind. We think she is pretty cute!
It's getting harder to take her picture with the sign now that she is moving so much! She keeps kicking it or pulling it :)
Look who's eating!
Jocelyn has started eating "solid foods". She loves sitting at the table and eating with the family. So far she has had rice and oatmeal cereal, peas, pears, peaches, and prunes. Hmmm, all foods that start with P. Jacob has been cracking her up and she sits across the table from him and watches him eat and laughs and laughs. It's very cute!
Cereal with milk, such a treat.
Corn ON the cob for the first time.
Jacob turns 2
Okay so we are horrible parents and have basically zero pictures of his birthday! I am hoping my dad took some...
I made Jacob a construction cake and we had a family party with lots of presents (a glide bike, tools, and sports gear were among the favorites) and food. The next day we had a few of his/my friends over for muffins and playing.
Jacob is TWO! He knows what he wants and tells us. He is super chatty, talking all day and narrating everything we are doing. He also asks a ton of questions like "what are we talking about" and "what does... mean". Jacob is very into sports and loves hitting the wiffle ball, tackling with the football, and playing tennis on the courts. We have started doing some "school" while Jocelyn is taking her first nap. We are learning letters and he is very proud to show his Daddy his new letter on the wall when Marc gets home from work.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Way Behind and 4 months old
I guess we have been busy, or too lazy to upload photos. Either way we are so far behind in posting pictures. So here we go with the 4 month old photos
"what did I do?" That is a question we hear when Jacob has done something he knows he shouldn't have done and we haven't noticed yet. I turned around from taking Jocelyn's pictures and saw that he has emptied a tissue box. He wanted me to see what he had done. So proud!
Monday, July 9, 2012
3 months old
Jocelyn is 3 months old already and the time is flying by! She is such a good baby and so happy. She is always willing to give a smile and a laugh to anyone who will pay attention to her. She smiles with her whole body, clasping her hands, and scrunching up her nose. She has the cutest laugh and it is so easy to get her to laugh. Jocelyn is very patient waiting to get fed, or held, or changed while I do a million other things. She is interested in what is happening around her and watches all the crazy things her brother does. She hates tummy time and has "lazy" neck and back muscels as the doctor puts it so we are working on that. "Hold your head up Joss" is a common sentence in our house. Jocelyn is a great sleeper at night! She has her last feeding at about 7 and doesn't wake up until 5ish for a quick feeding and then goes back to sleep for a few more hours! During the day she naps on the go alot while Jacob plays at the park or at friends houses.
4th of July
For the 4th of July we met up with our neighbors/friends and their kids and walked in a neighborhood parade. It was sunny and not to hot, perfect for walking around. Jacob kept asking where the parade was, he didn't get that WE were the parade. He LOVED waving his flag at people who were watching us go by. Jacob is wearing my brothers jacket from when he was 2, so cute!! After the parade we went to my parents house for a bbq and then were in bed before the fireworks even started. But really who can stay up til 10 which is when they start here?
Random pictures
So Marc gives him a bath at night... Enough said
Our little Jossy Boo
The kitchen I scored for $40 bucks on craigslist! I was so excited when I found it and the people selling it only lived 5 minutes away! It is a hit along with the pink shopping cart I got on clearance at Target
Just hanging around at the park doing feats of strength.
Giving kisses to sister.
Father's Day
On Father's Day we went to a local park that is also a camp. It has cabins you can rent, a challenge course, hikes, and a huge rock to climb. I actually went to this camp for in 5th grade with my school and we spent the night. It is about 5 minutes from our house and we had never been as a family. Marc and Jacob climbed the rock while Jocelyn and I stayed on the ground. We were super impressed that Jacob climed up by himself but Marc was worried how they were going to get down...
The pictures didn't turn out great because I was using Marc's phone and the sun was right behind them.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
2 months
Here is our girl at 2 months! She had a great 2 month check up and is growing like a weed. She weighs 11 pounds 3 oz (61%) and is almost 23 inches (70%). So different than Jacob at that age. Jocelyn is a super happy baby and is quick to give her melt-your-heart smiles. She is also quite talkative (must take after her mom and brother) and sleeping LONG stretches at night, about 8 hours then a quick feeding and back to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours! Jacob is getting more and more intersted in her and always wants to see what Joss Boo is up to and where she is. I also here a lot of "Want Joss to stop crying", yes Jacob we all want her stop crying!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Our Boy (the chatterbox)
This boy constantly AMAZES us! He has a memory like we can't believe and the things that come out of his mouth make us laugh and drop our jaws. He seems much older than his 21 months :)
He is newly into insects and the spiders that inhabit his sandbox. Here is a typical converstaion about spiders. Jacob "I see spider, he's lookin at me, he's eatin somfin, what's he doin?" Me "what is that"? Jacob "its a spider" Me "how many legs does it have" Jacob (without hesitation) "eight" Me "what kind of animal is a spider?" Jacob "aracnid" Me "what other animal has eight legs?" Jacob "octopus, octopus lives in ocean, at aquarium"...
Jacob is most happy to be outside running down the block or picking dandelions and putting them in the yard waste bin. He always wants to garden with Minga (my mom). He NEEDS the garden tools and uses the same ones every time. We take lots of walks looking for pinwheels and he remembers every house that has them in their yard.
Jacob still loves books. Truck and construction books are still at the top of the pile but so are Rosemary Wells books, especially Max. He sits and reads by himself if I am busy and makes up the words to go with the pictures. He is super sweet and wild at the same time.
We LOVE our boy!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
"Can I hold her?"
Well Jacob is finally showing interst in Jocelyn and wanting to hold her. Once she gets on his lap he isn't quite sure what to do but seems pleased that he is holding her. I hope he will always be this sweet to her. And she is a good sport about it all and lays there patiently while he "holds her.
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