What do you with a 17 month old when you are stuck inside for a week???
Well first we found out that the step stool is really fun and a great way for Jacob to "help" Mommy in the kitchen. Who knew the step stool would be such a big hit? "Step stool, OK!!!!" all day long. When Jacob follows a request with "OK" then you know he is serious and really wants it!

You can also make homemade Playdough. This was really fun and Jacob stood on the step stool to help me measure, pour, and stir the dough. It has kept up really well and we play with it often. "School bus OK!, uh-oh smash it, nother school bus" "ok Mommy will make you another school bus ". Gotta love it
And you can also make finger paints. Who knew that sugar, corn starch, and water would turn into gelatinous, goopy finger paints when cooked on the stove? Jacob sure did love that he could grab a handful of paint, squish it around, and then "paint" on the paper. He did a series of five flower paitings. Every time I asked him what he was painting he told me they were flowers...