Just wanted to point out that everyone, but Marc said the baby was going to be a girl. Big Marc stuck to his guns and on Friday August 13th at 3:03 pm Jacob Edward Nelson was born he was 5.08 pounds,and 18 inches long.

A room with a view

Whoooaaaa Nellie!!!!!

Mom and baby
Baby Jacob
BOY!! Yippee! I was totally wrong...but man that little guy is CUTE! Boys are FUN...enjoy your baby BOY Nelson family. Love HIS name. Night night Jacob. Happy birthday.
How glorious to see you both holding your SON! I know you were both looking forward to this moment - parenthood is already looking good on you :)
btw, Jacob is a handsome one -
We are so happy for you two (three) ! Birth is such a miracle and babies are so amazing. Enjoy! (and nap when he naps:-) Hugs, Ron and Judy
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