Here are a few pictures from when he was born. He weighed just 5 pounds at birth (4 1/2when we brought him home) and was 18 inches long. He slept all the time and was so sleepy it was hard to keep him awake while he was eating. He cried during his baths and didn't like to have his clothes off or his diaper changed.
How things have changed!! Jacob weighs 14 1/2 pounds (still little, I know) and is 26 1/2 inches long at 6 months. He LOVES to eat, anyway you give it to him! He is rolling over, eating his feet, playing, and laughing. He loves his baths now and has figured out how to splash his feet. He is so much fun and we are loving every minute!
Jacob was loving his 6 month birthday dinner of steamed green beans that I put through the food mill!
Happy 6 months Jacob!
I can't believe he's six months already also.
Glad he's doing well - I love that age! 6 months on gets really fun!
Okay, seriously!!!! He is the cutest baby ever! We are LOVING his hair and his sly grin. We are dead broke right now-ha!-but we're thinking that maybe on Spring Break we may be able to drive over the mountain to see that boy. We'll see. (Are you guys leaving for your break?)
Any more video you'd like to post would be greatly appreciated by the Lochhead house. We have to scroll back to watch Baby Jacob talk to his turtles ALMOST daily. :)
Love to you, Nelsons! :) LE (and the peanut gallery)
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