Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fun in Spokane

We made it to Spokane with only a few stops along the way. We were so excited to stay with my dear college roommate Ellie, her husband Jeff, and their two adorable kids, Gracie, and Josh. We knew Jacob would love "playing" with the big kids. Gracie is almost 3 and Joshy is 1. We also got to have a crazy fun dinner with the Van Sickle family Friday night.

Notice the progression of Jacob seeing Kai's hair, to pulling it, and Kai crying. Sorry Kai!!

We had a wonderful trip! It was so fun to stay with the Lochheads and hang out. Marc even let Ellie and I out without babies for a little girl time. Dinner with the Van Sickle family was an added bonus. Spokane was so fun, we might brave the drive again soon.

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