Susannah signed Jacob up and I guess I automatically volunteered for the assignment, actually I was looking forward to it. (Don't tell her because I think I finally have a point to use in the Marc did this column.) We had signed up four days prior to the first session so we had to buy a swim suit for Jacob and swim diapers as well.
Sunday afternoon we were off to swim class and once we arrived we noticed we were there with 25 other babies and toddlers, hmmm this will be fun. So in I jumped holding Jacob 3 feet is not that deep. We made our way to the 6 foot area, daddy is significantly taller than the other 24 mommies in the class, in fact he got looks from the swim instructors of "Sir you are getting kind of deep with your child please come to shallower waters." Well daddy said FORGET THEM!!! My boy is going to swim or drown!! I know big talk from a softie like me. So we started with getting our shoulders wet and "jumping" out of the water. A success!!! Jacob must have thought this was a HUGE bath tub because he splashed and giggled the first half of the class. We also tried out floating on our backs and blowing bubbles.
By the time classes ended 30 minutes later we were both ready to get out since the water was cold and Jacob was shivering. We hopped out and took a hot shower and changed. Note to all new mommies DO NOT HOLD BABY WITH WATER LOGGED BABY SWIMMING DIAPER ON YOUR LAP, Susannah came out with a big wet spot on her jeans.
All in all it was fun and I think we are ready for the second class or the Olympics which ever comes first.
Floating on our back
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