Monday, June 27, 2011

Jacob's First HAIRCUT!!!!

OK so it was time. Jacob's hair was a wild, wild mess! If left alone it would fall into his eyes and was very scraggly. I would brush it over to the side and sometimes used Marc's hair product to get it to stay. It never worked and so I was constantly pushing hair out of Jacob's face. Some people were even saying it looks like a toupee or a comb over. So I mentioned the idea of getting Jacob's hair cut to Marc thinking we would wait til closer to his first birthday. Nope, Marc said why wait and we went the next day! We made an appointment at a fancy kid's salon and after paying we decided this won't be Jacob's regular spot but it was fun for the first haircut. They take a picture and put it in a cute card/frame with a little baggie attached to put a lock of hair. As we were driving there I started having second thoughts!!! He is only 10 1/2 months old and I knew once he got his hair cut he would look older, like a big boy. But Marc (the practical one) kept driving and here you go, complete with video!




So much better but he looks like a totally different baby! Not even a baby really! So I know he needed it and it looks better BUT I miss his hair!!!! I get sad when I see pictures of his long hair now. Even looking at this post I want to cry when I see the after.

Jacob was a good customer and only threw his body back twice :) The stylist said he did a really good job for a baby and he really didn't fuss much.

A Natural Rider

There is a great park in our area that has lots of cars and tricycles for kids to ride on. This has been a big hit with Jacob! It is so funny because he just sits there very serious and looks all around as we push him around the park.

He rode on this tricycle for the first time when Marc was in Montana. I sat him on it and it was like he had been doing it his whole life. I thought it was so funny that we went back the next day with Marc and he found it just as funny. Jacob seems so little to be riding a tricycle but he just sits there nice and tall, holding on to the handle bars.

This car was also fun!


I wanted to take pictures throughout the day on Father's Day but I only got as far as breakfast :)
This was Marc's first Father's day and I hope he felt loved and appreciated! I knew long before Jacob was born that Marc would be a wonderful father but since the day Jacob was born he exceeded my expectations! Jacob is in LOVE with his Daddy. He gets so excited as soon as he sees Marc get out the car every evening at 5:30. He practically dives out of my arms for Daddy.

Marc is reading books to Jacob before his special Father's Day breakfast.

Blueberry pancakes and bacon for Daddy.

This wasn't taken on Father's Day but I love this picture. A little boy and his Daddy

Book Reader, Bath Giver, Swing Pusher, Slide Helper, Bedtime Routine Buddy, Playmate, Rocketship Ride, Sherpa, Alphabet teacher, Best Daddy Ever!
We love you!!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hiding Out

Grandma moved the coffee table so Jacob would have lots of room to crawl around and where does he go? Yup, under the coffee table.

Uncle Evan's Hair

If only Uncle Evan would grow his hair out it would be easier to pull.

He is a helper

Jacob decided to help Marc load the dishwasher after dinner. He is quite the helper :)

Hats and Glasses

Marc thinks it is so funny to put glasses on Jacob and I am always trying to get him to keep a hat on to protect him from the sun.

Here is the hat we bought that ties under his chin. I was hoping he would have a hard time getting it off and give up trying, I was wrong.

Aren't these the cutest sunglasses? No need to buy them, he wouldn't keep them on.

Daddy's sunglasses are a little too big to wear but fun to play with.

He needed to try on Daddy's safety goggles before Marc got to work on the lawn.

This one didn't stay on long either!