Monday, May 21, 2012

Our Boy (the chatterbox)

This boy constantly AMAZES us! He has a memory like we can't believe and the things that come out of his mouth make us laugh and drop our jaws. He seems much older than his 21 months :) He is newly into insects and the spiders that inhabit his sandbox. Here is a typical converstaion about spiders. Jacob "I see spider, he's lookin at me, he's eatin somfin, what's he doin?" Me "what is that"? Jacob "its a spider" Me "how many legs does it have" Jacob (without hesitation) "eight" Me "what kind of animal is a spider?" Jacob "aracnid" Me "what other animal has eight legs?" Jacob "octopus, octopus lives in ocean, at aquarium"... Jacob is most happy to be outside running down the block or picking dandelions and putting them in the yard waste bin. He always wants to garden with Minga (my mom). He NEEDS the garden tools and uses the same ones every time. We take lots of walks looking for pinwheels and he remembers every house that has them in their yard. Jacob still loves books. Truck and construction books are still at the top of the pile but so are Rosemary Wells books, especially Max. He sits and reads by himself if I am busy and makes up the words to go with the pictures. He is super sweet and wild at the same time.
We LOVE our boy!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

"Can I hold her?"

Well Jacob is finally showing interst in Jocelyn and wanting to hold her. Once she gets on his lap he isn't quite sure what to do but seems pleased that he is holding her. I hope he will always be this sweet to her. And she is a good sport about it all and lays there patiently while he "holds her.

1 month old

I did take these on the 4th of May when Jocelyn turned one month old it has just taken me this long to actually post the pictures (both babies are actually napping at the same time right now!). Jocelyn has grown so much in the past month and has actully started smiling at us! She still sleeps a lot but is becoming more awake and alert. She has many nicknames already, most of them given by Jacob. Jossy Joss Boo is my favorite that he has made up for her! But most of the time he calls her Jocelyn-ny. We LOVE our little Jocelyn-ny!!